Starr Faithfull: Some Unknown Person

Some Unknown Person
author: Sandra Scoppettone
[NY: Putnam, 1977; ISBN: 0399119280; hardcover, 374 pages]
Ellen Hart Interviews SANDRA SCOPPETTONE:
- - excerpt from a longer article - -
EH: Of all your books, do you have a favorite? Which one and why?
SS: Some Unknown Person. That was published in 1977. It's also based on a true case. The victim was named Starr Faithfull. I did a lot of research because the book takes place between 1901 and 1930. This case was never solved and I solve it fictionally. Half the book is based on my father's family, the other half is the Faithfull story. I've never written an autobiographical novel and this was a way to write about my parents and their families without writing about me, although I make a cameo appearance. I'd written some of my Young Adult novels already but this was my first for adults. . . .
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Starr Faithfull was seduced at an early age by a forty-five year old man, and their relationship lasted nine years. By her twentieth year, Starr is an alcoholic, addicted to pills and ether, and is sexually compulsive. On a summer day in 1931 she is found dead on a Long Island beach. The papers are full of sensational speculation: some claims suicide, others murder, but her death is still unsolved. Here is the riveting, chilling story of Starr Faithfull's erotic life and mysterious death, according to crime novelist Sandra Scoppettone.
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1931: Une magnifique jeune femme du nom de Starr Faithfull est retrouvée morte sur une plage près de New York. Noyade? Assassinat? Suicide? La police n'arrive pas à résoudre l'affaire... Inspiré d'un fait divers marquant des Années Folles, ce récit poignant, entre enquête et chronique familiale, devient, sous la plume de l'auteure, un roman noir magistral. L'un des 15 polars qu'elle avait d'abord publiés sous le pseudonyme de "Jack Early", donc pas lesbien. [Blurb is from the French edition.]
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starr faithfull
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